Desktop-as-a-service (DaaS) is revolutionizing the way that businesses manage and use technology. In this post, we’ll discuss five of the many benefits of DaaS and explain why your organization should consider making the switch.
CyberlinkASP provides premier desktop and cloud hosting services for a wide range of verticals. No matter what your organization’s needs are, we have scalable solutions that meet your needs without exceeding your budget. Read on to learn more about how DaaS could improve your business’ workflow and get in touch with our team for a free software demo!
Five Great Benefits of DaaS
Reduced IT Strain
DaaS hosts your company’s operating system, desktop, and applications on a cloud server that can be accessed at any time from anywhere. This means that your IT company is effectively outsourcing everything aside from issues relating to the physical hardware required to operate and access the virtual desktop.
Lower Data Management Costs
Every business’ goal is to scale with their business. Eventually, you’ll need to consider an on-site data center or a third-party data center that can accommodate your growing needs. DaaS through CyberlinkASP allows you to get both cloud hosting and virtual desktop hosting from the same provider, allowing you to offload your data management needs and IT infrastructure needs to the same company.
Desktop Deployment Speed
How long did it take you to develop your company’s IT infrastructure? We’re willing to bet that the initial setup took several days and that adding new users, updating software on every machine, and making sure that each employee has the tools they need to do their job are all ongoing issues for your IT department. DaaS eliminates the need to develop an extensive infrastructure under your company’s roof — current employees and new users simply log into a machine that can access the cloud.
Improved Security
At the time of writing this article, almost every company that can work remotely is doing so. This means that employees are accessing their work from various devices in different locations, putting your organization at risk of data loss if a device is lost or stolen. DaaS requires employees to carry only the necessary hardware on their person in order to access data stored in the cloud. This means that if a laptop is lost or another device is stolen, the only loss to the company is the physical hardware. With more companies making the switch to permanent remote work, the security benefits of DaaS are reason enough to make the switch.
Flexibility for Remote Workers
Speaking of permanently working remotely, DaaS can allow remote employees even more flexibility when it comes to using devices they’re more comfortable with and productive using. It also allows contractors, temporary workers, and specialized workers with a streamlined way to access your company’s infrastructure and get to work.
If you would like to learn more about how cloud and desktop hosting can help your business thrive, reach out to the team at CyberlinkASP to request a free, no-risk software demo!