Blog ERP Hosting | June 7, 2021

Rejuvenating Your Aging ERP with Minimal Strain

5 Aging ERP Problems and 5 Awesome Solutions.

If your outdated accounting software is impeding growth or just causing delays and headaches, you might be thinking about updating your Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). But new ERP implementations are costly, time consuming and prone to failure. Plus, switching to brand-new software causes a lot of strain on a business and its employees.

When updating to a new ERP, your current integrations and customizations may not be possible, especially if you switch to a cloud-native Software-a-Service application. A private managed hosting provider can help you bring your ERP system to the cloud with minimal changes or strain on the company. They may even be able to help update your software to the most recent version.

First let’s look at some of the problems you may be experiencing with your aging ERP solution. Then we will look at some ways a hosting provider can help solve them.

Related Reading: Cloud Migration Strategy for a Seamless Integration

5 Frustrating Problems with Aging ERP Accounting Software

1. Too Much Time and Money Spent on Maintenance

Running patches and are critical, but it takes up time that could otherwise be spent on innovation

2. Lack of Flexibility and Compliance
Compliance regulations are fluid and subject to frequent change. Accounting systems that lack compliance flexibility and agility put your business at risk.

3. Stifled Growth
With on-premise accounting systems your ability to grow into new locations and geographies is hamstrung. Trying to piece together multiple or disparate accounting data from different entities is prone to error, time consuming and unreliable.

4. Lack of Real-Time Data
Whether it’s a lack of integration and automation, or managing multiple accounting systems across multiple locations, outdated accounting software can create barriers to insights. In today’s data-driven landscape, this can be a major burden.

5. Lack of Mobility
Enabling mobility with legacy or outdated on-premise ERP is difficult and connecting them through a VPN tends to suffer performance and reliability issues, and it is difficult to secure.

5 Awesome Way Managed Cloud Hosting Can Help

A hosting provider can take your ERP software to the cloud with minimal strain, and they can even help you update your current system. Here are 5 ways managed hosting can help you solve the problems above.

1. Simplify Maintenance
Some managed hosting providers specialize in hosting a specific type of software. An ERP hosting specialist may include maintenance, patches and updates for your accounting software.

2. Compliance Ready
The right software hosting provider’s data centers will be compliance ready and stay up to date with changing regulations. They should also offer services to cater to your specific compliance reporting needs.

3. Centralize and Support Growth
With improved agility and accessibility of ERP software, organizations can more easily centralize their accounting department. This simplifies adding new locations and expanding into new geographies.

4. Integrations and Real-time Data
By connecting your systems in the cloud, a hosting provider can help improve systems availability and connectivity across your IT landscape. This leads to better access to data and more insight.

5. Mobility
With advanced hosting technology and high cloud competency, an ERP hosting provider can deliver your current system to any device with an internet connection.


You don’t need to adopt or invest in a brand-new solution to go cloud with your ERP. A managed hosting provider can help you update to the newest version of your software and may even be able to eliminate lapsed maintenance fees. With increased mobility and accessibility on the solution your team is already comfortable using, hosting is a simple way to rejuvenate your aging ERP without breaking the bank or your IT teams back.


Is your aging ERP solution causing headaches or slowing your growth? CyberlinkASP can help.


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