If you’re like most employees who are still adjusting to remote work nine months after the COVID-19 pandemic changed organizational structures across the country, then you’ve probably noticed that meetings aren’t what they used to be.
Spaces without intrusions from children, pets, and ambient noise can be difficult to find, leading many workers to retreat to bedrooms, patios, and other locations that aren’t as distracting. Moreover, many companies are still using phone-only call services, leading to poor engagement and information retention.
In this post, we’re going to discuss a few ways to make working from home work for your company. Contact CyberlinkASP to learn more about how cloud and desktop hosting could help your team become even more efficient!
Three Ways to Make Home Meetings More Professional
Invest in a Headset
Whether you already have a headset or you’re still waiting to buy one, a good headset is often the difference between a great meeting and a meeting derailed by echos, low-quality audio, and “you cut out, can you say that again?”
Dialing into a meeting requires the use of low-bandwidth audio transmission, which can cause problems for everyone at the meeting. Relying on built-in microphones can also put your meetings at risk of a feedback loop in which anything that’s said by other speakers is repeated back through your mic.
Keep in mind that many wireless headphones have built-in microphones that are just as good as dedicated headsets. If you’ve been considering a new pair of noise-cancelling headphones to drown out distractions in your home, you now have an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.
Turn Your Camera On
If your company hasn’t already made video mandatory for meetings, take the lead and turn your meeting platform’s video feature on. Meetings are supposed to be a place of listening and collaboration, but the distant nature of remote calls can make it easy to tune out the speaker and wait until the call ends.
Before you turn your camera on, however, make sure that you give your webcam a test run to make sure that your background is acceptable for work. Close bathroom doors, make your bed if you’re working from your bedroom, and try to minimize the number of people walking behind you if possible. If reasons like these are one reason why you haven’t turned your camera on, why not try to find a fun-yet-professional background you can use?
Give Meetings Your Undivided Attention
As we noted above, it’s easy for many people to tune meetings out when they aren’t held responsible for paying attention. Some platforms, including Zoom, allow presenters to see whether or not their participants are using other applications while they speak. If you normally take notes during meetings, find another device to take them on so that the program doesn’t flag you as unengaged.
That said, the best tip we can give you is to treat virtual meetings the same as in-person ones. Give the speaker your full attention, ask questions, and respect the time that you’ve set aside.
If you’re looking for additional ways to encourage collaboration and efficiency among remote workers, contact CyberlinkASP to learn more about our innovative cloud and desktop hosting services. We offer unparalleled security, 99% guaranteed uptime, and affordable pricing. Get a free demo today!