What To Consider When Choosing a Cloud Hosting Solution

What To Consider When Choosing a Cloud Hosting Solution

What To Consider When Choosing a Cloud Hosting Solution

Considering a Cloud Hosting Solution? Their Commitment to Security Matters

If hosting your data locally is becoming more challenging either from a cost or a maintenance standpoint, you may be considering a cloud hosting solution to shift the costs, monitoring, and capital investment off to a third party.

But if you deal with sensitive information, it’s critical to partner with the right cloud hosting company so you enjoy all the benefits of a cloud solution with the peace of mind that comes from knowing your data is secure.

What is SSAE-18?

After review of the previous standard (known as SSAE-16), the Statement on Standard Attestation Engagements No. 18 was developed to establish the standards that CyberlinkASP now uses to operate, handle, and control data related to customers and financial reporting.

By operating under these standards, CyberlinkASP can demonstrate to clients the controls we have in place to maintain secure, controlled environments for server hosting services.

CyberlinkASP is audited annually under the Service Organization Controls (SOC)s and maintains those compliance files. Our commitment to security simplifies compliance initiatives on your end.

HIPAA Compliance, handled.

Whether you’re in healthcare, pharmaceuticals, or even a personal injury or disability focused law practice, you need to maintain the privacy of ePHI as it moves over your network or out to authorized third parties. Any organization that handles private health information is required by law to meet compliance standards.

When you partner with CyberlinkASP, we can help your organization meet the physical, technical, and administrative standards required by the HIPAA Security Rule. We maintain security of sensitive health information during its transmission to the cloud and while it is stored in our data centers. We also control data access and keep required access logs to record all activity.

We can help you assess data and prioritize security controls so your critical assets are protected and overall risk management is improved.  For example, having the right data analytics can facilitate a more streamlined legal discovery process or improve user productivity by better meeting HIPAA requirements for data availability.

You need to be able to answer questions like:

Who is accessing data?

What data is being accessed?

How is the data being accessed?

with confidence.

With the right cloud partner, your data is where you need it, when you need it, and protected at all points in time, regardless of access point.

Monitoring 365/24/7

Cybercrime is big business these days. In fact, it’s a $6 trillion dollar problem that affects all businesses that do business online – regardless of industry or size.

“By the time you’re aware of a ransomware attack, it’s probably too late. Hackers get in and cripple your backups first so you are against the wall when they make their demands,” says Mason Cooper, CyberlinkASP’s CIO.

To combat the risks posed by ransomware – and all other manner of potential cyberattacks – CyberlinkASP has a 365/24/7 “always on” security op center. From this vantage point, we watch your system all day as well as our own. It’s all that highly-trained staff does and they are only focused on identifying and stopping threats before sensitive information is in the wrong hands.

Because data monitoring is all they do, our security center team has the latest playbooks and they execute them as needed and as situations warrant.

We know that nearly 70% of small businesses are completely unprepared for a cyberattack and we consider it a responsibility to mitigate that risk for as many organizations as possible. Our goal is to craft solutions and disaster recovery plans that allow our clients to bounce back quickly while minimizing loss of reputation and potential financial exposure.

Discuss your unique needs with one of our industry specialized sales team. We can show you how to optimize your operations and protect your data while reducing costs, compliance concerns, and in-house IT demands while enjoying flexible, 24/7 support and monitoring of your account.
