Insights Blog

Many businesses are looking to move their IT systems to a private cloud system, which is often referred to as either Desktop as a Service (DaaS) or Hosted Desktop Service. In this blog we’ll outline a few of the benefits of utilizing...

Whether you’re a seasoned expert in network performance monitoring, or you’re just a newbie, it’s extremely important to know the difference between Trojans, Viruses, and Worms. These online threats can quickly take down an entire organization and, therefore, IT professionals on any level should be...

If you’re an avid Windows user, you’ve likely heard that there’s finally a new version of Windows, and it’s getting some pretty good reviews online. Windows 10 offers a variety of new features that we’re sure you’ll love, a few of which we’re highlighting in...

Whether you’re an administrator of virtual desktops or a novice computer user, phishing attacks can wreck havoc on anyone. In this blog we’re going to highlight a few ways to avoid these cyber-attacks so that you can protect yourself when you’re browsing the Internet. Be wary...

The car industry is one of the largest industries in the world. With large car manufacturers manufacturing millions of cars each year, it’s important that these companies are looking for ways to improve their efficiency. Sadly, many automakers are extremely slow to adapt and therefore...

If you’ve heard enough about cloud computing over the past few years, now you need to learn about the hybrid cloud and how it can benefit your business. Companies are beginning to use the hybrid cloud for application hosting, encrypted data storage, and many other...

The amount of money it costs to pay an employee goes far beyond their hourly or weekly salary. In addition to the payroll, businesses are required to pay unemployment insurance, a portion of benefit costs, and other expenses. A business easily pays around half of...

Cloud computing, which is also known as hosted virtual desktop application hosting, offers a variety of options when applied to the healthcare industry. One of the biggest advantages is the cost savings it can provide, over attempting to maintain your own internal system of network...

Accessing information stored in a data center depends upon the type of setup and level of security. Some businesses use hosted virtual desktop and network configurations on dedicated servers. Others use shared network server services, and still others use Cloud-based solutions. ...